About us

Hi, I'm Alexandr Thoric

Meet Alexandr Thoric, a former military officer with over 20 years of experience in leadership roles across various branches of the military. His career journey led him to become a senior lecturer at the Military Academy, where he shared his wealth of knowledge with others.


After transitioning from military life, Alexandr took on leadership positions in the oil industry, where he continued to refine his skills in leading teams and managing complex operations.


Alexandr’s exceptional leadership has been recognized by the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Secretary of Defense for his outstanding contributions to Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Operations.


He has also been awarded by the President of the Republic of Moldova for his dedicated service in a significant humanitarian mission.


Throughout his career, whether in the military or the corporate world, Alexandr has been passionate about understanding how people work together in teams. He has a unique ability to lead people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences.


Now, Alexandr is here to share his insights with you.


As a leadership trainer, speaker, coach, and John Maxwell Team Member he’s dedicated to helping teams and leaders like you achieve exceptional results through effective teamwork and leadership.


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